Melbourne and Grease was just one of the words

This last weekend was spent in Melbourne. Yes, I had a book due out. Yes, I was as busy as an ant before it rains, but this was one girl’s trip not to be missed. Ranging in age from early fifties down to early twenties, this bunch of girls (who usually get-together up on the high plains around Christmas) were on their annual pilgrimage to the city. Shopping, dinner and a show were on the agenda for Pam, Megan, Gail, Kristy, Wendy, Sam and myself.
We were staying at ‘The Victoria’, a hotel which dances through my childhood memories, as it was where we always stayed with my grandmother and also my parents when we went ‘to town’. In those days it was known as ‘the country hotel in the city’ and after staying there again after all these years, I think it still might hold this lovely title. |
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And so after travelling up to five hours with lots of supplies on tap in the back seat of the Landcruiser … |
… the bar at ‘The Victoria’ was the first stop.
Followed by some pool where games ranged from Orbost vs Glenmaggie to Lakes Entrance vs Bete Bolong. |
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A giggle or two in the lift as two blokes attending this conference …
… tried out their chat up lines. Unfortunately for them, I think they really needed to attend and take notes at this conference. Lots and lots of notes |
Saturday morning saw us coerced into helping some ‘O’ week uni students do an impromptu singing show on the steps of the Post office in Bourke Street. Unfortunately I was so busy singing and doing my hand actions (I think it was their ‘House song’ or something) I didn’t get a photo! Silly me
After all that excitement we went on the hunt for a bookshop where in a rather large store some strategic re-positioning of my new book, MOUNTAIN ASH took place. (Goodness knows what they’ll make of that on the security cameras.)
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Then it was off to the show!
I tried to fit in with the ‘Pink Ladies’ but unfortunately I forgot to wear my cardi.
Megan, on the other hand, took prime position with the ‘T-Birds’.
The musical ‘Grease’ is out of this world. If you have the chance, all I can say is ‘You’re the one that I want … OOO …OOO …OOO’
Evening arrived and flushed with the excitement from all that singing and jiggling around in our seats, we headed out to dinner in China Town. Can I just say, if you are looking for a delicious meal, the Shark Fin restaurant is superb. The waiter also amazed us with his juggling abilities. He managed to fit ALL these dishes (that’s every used plate, bowl, fork, spoon and chop stick from seven people) in his arms first go. My eyes were popping out of their sockets!
Dessert was these decadent looking delicacies from a little patisserie on the walk back to the hotel.
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I had managed to find my cardi by this stage so I just had to have the same delicious looking cocktail as Megan. It matched the cardi, you see? Seeing I missed out on being one of the ‘Pink Ladies’? (Damn it, can’t you just see how nice it looked? I couldn’t say no!)
After another evening playing pool, it was off to bed. I woke up the next morning to see this …
A tad different to what I normally see, which is this …
One of my best mates, Pam, managed to lock herself out of her room. A very nice hotel man had to come to our rescue and be cat-called and congratulated with great gusto when he managed to save the day (I think we managed to make him blush) …
It was then off for a spot of shopping at Chadstone, where I found RM Williams …
And the ladies possibly overdid it a tad …
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SO we had demolish a box of malteasers to get over the whole experience.
When I finally arrived home, collected en route by my gorgeous hubbie on a motorbike (seriously, life is never boring around here), my lovely visiting brother-in-law presented me with a very pretty looking and delicious bottle of Moscarto.
This morning, after straightening up the house, it was back outside to work. My job? The blonde end of the dumpy level, for sighting up the new machinery shed. Sigh.
(with thanks to the ‘Nunniong girls’ for a side-splittingly funny and fabulous weekend!)
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