Time to stop pretending! Christmas is definitely on the way

As you know, I haven’t been around here during the second half of the year. The family has been a bit busy chasing cattle in the remote Pilbara region of W.A.
But we're back and in what seems like a blink of an eye, we're all staring down the barrel of that jolly old time called Christmas. Now, I’m not going to be one of those doomsayers and remind you there is only something like 17 or 16 days left until the big day.
No, I’m not.
Instead I’m going to tell you about one of the most exciting events ever to happen. My Jacaranda tree has FLOWERED! Oh my goodness if you knew how many of these stunning trees I have KILLED over the years you’d be yelling and throwing a party for my blooming tree too! So pretty …
Although this absolutely mind-blowing event did not supersede the fact that last week my daughter was made a House Captain for 2016 (very proud) and my youngest son, the Farm Boy, spent his first four days at secondary school (Heavens, where did all those primary years GO?!)
So, seeing as holidays start on Friday, at the bus stop this morning I said to the kids, ‘Right. We need some projects lined up!’
At which point I was drowned out by a chorus of ‘No, mum! NOT PROJECTS!’
I mean what’s the problem with projects? They keep the kids busy while I try to write a book …
Anyhow, these two rug rats assured me they had projects of their own to complete. There was no need for me to dream up anything! The Princess is moving bedrooms so apparently the job these holidays (when she’s not water skiing, swimming, playing with lambs and doing death defying moves on her rip-stick) is to make her new room look ‘beautiful’. O-kay. So that’s going to take six weeks, huh?
And the Farm Boy? ‘My project is to improve my motorbike riding,’ he says. Right. Like the holidays earlier this year where he broke his leg ON THE VERY FIRST DAY, and spent his whole holiday on the couch. Good one, lad. Sounds like a great project. Not.
So yesterday my beautiful kelpie Ange and I made a trip down to South Gippsland to collect some trainer sheep for the Farm Boy so he can practice working his dog. That might take the pressure off the trips to the hospital and so forth. I can only live in hope.

Great Christmas Ideas
I came across a great idea the other day for a fabulous family present I thought I’d share with you. It was over at The Organised Housewife (Yeah, I know. We can always aspire though can’t we?)
It was a family movie Ice Cream Gift Box and it’s going to be on my gift giving list this year. Perfect for the family whom you have no idea what to buy. (My own kids would love, love, love it. Hint hint to any family reading this ...:)
The other was a very yummy sounding recipe from Annabel Langbein - Overnight Christmas Cake. Now, I haven’t made this Christmas Cake yet, but thought I’d give it a whirl seeing it apparently cooks while I sleep - a whole 12 hours! Does that mean I’m actually going to GET 12 hours sleep? I’m not sure, but suspect if I do it’ll be because I’ve swigged the rest of that brandy.
Of course, there is always my tried and true Christmas Jelly slice. A couple of friends of mine have already made this gorgeous looking slice this year and I thought I’d remind you it’s there on my blog for your pleasure should you be knocking your head against a brick wall and saying, ‘Oh my gracious, just WHAT am I going to make and take …’

Yep it’s that’s time of the year.
Until next time,
P.S. I'm currently putting together my yearly 'personally recommended books to read this Christmas' list which includes a rural book or two (I've heard ROSE RIVER by Margareta Osborn's not a bad read ). That list will be on the blog next week just in time to help with your Christmas shopping!
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